Sustainability | SAVA INFOND

Fostering enduring corporate social responsibility through ongoing stakeholder engagement



Sava Infond, družba za upravljanje, d. o. o. (hereafter referred to as the company), is a participant in the financial market and a member of the Sava Insurance Group (hereafter referred to as the group). 
The group has outlined four main strategic directions in its sustainable development strategy:

•    A credible and socially responsible partner
•    A socially responsible asset and equity manager
•    A responsible and attractive employer
•    A group socially responsible to the wider community

The group regularly publishes its policies and disclosures related to sustainable development. 
The company as a financial market participant disclose information accordingly to articles 3 in 4 of SFDR, but it is not required to report non-financially. The company publishes basic documents and disclosures that provide stakeholders with transparency regarding the sustainable development of the company and the products it manages and markets. 

Sustainability-Related Disclosures


Responsible asset managers

Out of 19 subfunds within the Infond Umbrella Fund, 12 select investments that promote environmental and social characteristics and publish a monthly report in line with Article 8 of the European Sustainability-Related Disclosures Regulation (SFDR). Information about these subfunds can be found under the Sustainability tab in each subfund’s presentation. Documents are in Slovenian language. 
The company offers portfolio management services for members of the Sava Insurance Group. In managing assets, the company adheres to the guidelines outlined in the Sustainable Investment Policy of the Sava Insurance Group. Currently, client portfolios do not align with the EU criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities. 

Responsible and attractive employer

The company nurtures the growth and development of both employees and processes, promoting professionalism and fostering innovative, advanced solutions. Our values are:
  • Respect for the individuality and dignity of each employee
  • Clear and transparent communication
  • A safe and healthy work environment

Sustainability in in Developing New Products and Services

Digitalizing processes and promoting paperless operations are ongoing priorities. In developing new products, the company is committed to avoiding investments in industries that pose significant risks to sustainable development, such as oil and gas, metals and mining, and coal. 

Responsibility towards the wider community

The company provides:
  • Products that promote environmental and social characteristics through strategic investment selection
  • Paperless processes for fund transactions
  • A transition to paperless communication with customers
  • Enhancement and digitalization of the entire client processing procedure
  • Systematic collection of feedback and measurement of client satisfaction
The company builds a professional relationship with sales teams, offering training, mentorship, and guidance, while enabling full digitalization of processes. 
Sustainable development and a social responsibility approach are central to the business strategy of the Sava Insurance Group and play a crucial role in decision-making across all business segments. All group members adhere to the General Conditions of Business Cooperation with suppliers, which, in Chapter 22, outline expectations regarding sustainable development. The company is dedicated to supporting local suppliers whenever possible, depending on availability. 


Sponsorship is primarily a business partnership where the sponsor commits money or resources to a usualy non-profit partner in exchange for specific promotional benefits. In addition to this criterion, the company also considers the social impact of the sponsored activities, aiming to create a positive environment and opportunities particularly for the development of young people.


When awarding donations, the company uses criteria that advance social responsibility, sustainable development, ethical practices, and environmental stewardship, with a particular emphasis on:
  • Educational, developmental, and training programs (focusing on socially disadvantaged groups and individuals)
  • Cultural initiatives
  • Humanitarian efforts, health, and social welfare (with a focus on socially disadvantaged groups and individuals), including preventive measures
  • Environmental protection, including preventive measures
The company actively supports employee participation in initiatives that benefit the local community where we operate and where our employees live. Our employees are involved in the "Heart for the World" initiative of the Sava Insurance Group, which fosters corporate volunteering and philanthropy. This initiative allows us to identify and address community challenges by offering volunteer support and collecting material aid. 
Sava Infond, družba za upravljanje, d.o.o.
Ulica Eve Lovše 7, 2000 Maribor, tel. 02/229 74 40, fax. 02/229 74 89
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