Funds in focus | Mutual funds

Infond Globalni uravnoteženi,
mixed subfund
Infond Globalni uravnoteženi is the global balanced mixed subfund of the Infond Umbrella Fund.
Infond Razviti trgi,
equity subfund of developed markets
Infond Razviti trgi is a equity subfund of the Infond Umbrella Fund. At least 85 % of sub-fund's assets are invested in shares or in units of equity target funds. Subfunds assets are exposed to at least two sub-regions of developed markets.
Infond Zdravstvo,
equity subfund
Infond Zdravstvo, equity subfund of Infond Umbrella fund invests mainly in the shares of sectorally limited portfolios of companies from the Healthcare sector.
Infond Tehnologija,
equity subfund
Infond Tehchnology, the equity subfund of the Infond Umbrella Fund, invests primarly in equities of companies from IT and IT related companies without geografical limitation.
Infond Družbeno odgovorni,
equity subfund of developed markets
Infond Družbeno odgovorni, the equity subfund of the Infond Umbrella Fund, is the oldest fund in Slovenia that allocates its assets in stocks that qualify as an ESG investment.
The value of investments will fluctuate, which will cause fund prices to fall as well as rise and you may not get back the original amount you invested. The level of any income earned by the fund will fluctuate. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value and any income arising from any investment referred to on this Site may go down as well as up. In particular you may not get back the full amount invested. Where overseas securities are held the rate of currency exchange may cause the value of the investment to go up as well as down. Any forecast, projection or target is indicative only and is not guaranteed in any way. We accept no liability for any failure to meet such a forecast, projection or target. Important information.
Sava Infond, družba za upravljanje, d.o.o.
Ulica Eve Lovše 7, 2000 Maribor, phone +386 2 229 74 40, fax. +386 2 229 74 89
Graphic and technical implementation BuyITC d.o.o.